Benefit from the synergy of the stores by browsing from one to the other and access a wide choice of complementary scientific products and equipment
Teaching materialJeulin specializes in teaching materials for education (Physics, Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences) and Technology in primary, secondary and higher education.
Laboratory equipment
Teachers, companies or individuals, choosing Le Laborantin is to trust the specialist in laboratory equipment, structured around a team of professionals in the sector.
Measuring equipmentFrench specialist in test and measurement instruments. We select our products from the biggest brands in the sector to offer you and guarantee the best of measurement.
Optical material
Specialized in the design, manufacture and supply of optical teaching materials for Higher Education, Ovio Instruments has been pursuing its primary vocation since 2007.
Computer-Assisted Experimentation (Datalogging) plays a crucial role in science education by connecting theoretical knowledge to real-world experiments. It enables students to measure phenomena, process data, and interpret results using digital tools, just as they would in research or industry settings. Datalogging provides practical, hands-on learning experiences that enrich student understanding.
As digital tools become more integrated into education, Datalogging offers a simple and effective solution for conducting physics and chemistry experiments. Il allows for real-time data collection at sampling rates comparable to modern digital oscilloscopes.
The modeling process is made possible by a specific module that links the theoretical model to the generated curves. This allows students to adjust the model and each of its parameters. A simple graphical tool assists students when they encounter difficulties, helping them progress in their approach.